How Can He Be 10 Years Younger in One Year
                                               By Angel Chau

It was so surprised to see my good friend Amy and her husband Gene (For purposes of confidentiality, names have been changed.) in my office before the passed Christmas Eve. We only see each other once a year for Christmas gift exchange. Their presence did not surprise me, but the much younger appearance of Gene did.

Amy, my Chinese girlfriend is 38 years younger than her American husband. Gene is 76 years old and he is still working as a driver now. Amy and Gene are married about 4 years. I remember that Gene had been over weight for a long time and were taking medications for his high blood pressure for a while. When I saw Gene and Amy in my office before Christmas in 2006, Gene was tired and had lost many hairs, and he moved much slower than 2005.

However, Gene was so different this Christmas. He looked much younger and energetic. He have lost 15 pounds, and he does not need to take medication for high blood pressure anymore.
Gene was very talkative and joyful. Gene's doctor told him that he is 10 years younger inside.

How can it be? How can a 76 years old man be 10 years younger in one year?  I asked Amy what has happened in one year. Amy told me that she has changed the diet for him. Here is the list of Gene's daily food:

1.No coffee in the morning, but a cup of hot green tea with a piece of lemon.
2.No donut or white bread but tow pieces of toasted wheat bread with honey and some raw walnuts. Sometimes a boiled egg.
3.Some grapes or a banana.

1.¼ pounds of raw bean sprouts and 6-8 grape tomatoes with one-tablespoon rice vinegar and little salt. (Amy puts this salad into a cooler for him to take to work.)
2.Gene eats out everyday for lunch, so he will choose what ever he wants, but he will have his special salad for sure.

Snack: one apple and some rice crackers or dried cranberries with rice crackers.

1.¼ pounds of raw bean sprouts and 6-8 grape tomatoes with one-tablespoon rice vinegar and little salt.   
2.Fish or chicken with 2 kinds of vegetables. (Mushroom, tofu (bean curd), broccoli, asparagus, carrots, eggplants, celery, cauliflower, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, corn)
3.A cup of hot green tea with a piece of lemon after dinner.
4.They take a 45 minutes walk after dinner.

30 minutes before Gene goes to bed, he will drink half cup of warm milk. From M-F, Gene and Amy get up at 5:00a.m. and go to work at 6:00a.m.  They work at different companies. Gene comes home for dinner at 6:00p.m. Gene and Amy take care Amy's nephew every Saturday. They go to a Chinese church on Sundays. I really do not think they have enough rest, but they said they are so well and happy, especially in their sexual life.

I believe that the green tea with lemon and the rice vinegar with raw bean sprouts daily really help Gene to transform to be so energetic and can be 10 years younger in one year.